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英语 [en], .djvu, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/zlib, 5.6MB, 📘 非小说类图书, lgli/M_Mathematics/MOc_Optimization and control/Young L.C. Lectures on the calculus of variations and optimal control theory (2ed., Chelsea, 1980)(ISBN 082840304X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(348s)_MOc_.djvu
Lectures on the calculus of variations and optimal control theory 🔍
Chelsea, 2., (corr.) ed, 1980
Laurence C Young 🔍
Title......Page 1
Foreword......Page 3
Preface......Page 5
Contents......Page 7
Volume 1- Lectures on the Calculus of Variations......Page 12
1. Introduction......Page 13
2. The Place of the Calculus of Variations in Relation to the Rest of Mathematics and to Space Science......Page 14
3. Statement of the Simplest Problem and Some Cognate Matters......Page 15
4. Extremals in Some Classical Problems......Page 18
5. Solutions of the Preceding Problems (a), (b), (c)......Page 20
6. The Euler-Lagrange Lemma and Schwartz Distributions......Page 27
7. Alternative Forms of the Lemma......Page 29
8. Proof of the Main Form of the Lemma......Page 30
9. First Variation, Euler Equation, Transversality......Page 32
10. Perron's Paradox......Page 33
11. Introduction......Page 35
12. The Variational Algorithm ofHuygens......Page 36
13. A Link with Elementary Convexity......Page 38
14. Reappearance of the Euler Equation......Page 41
15. The Theorem of Malus......Page 43
16. Sufficient Conditions for Independence of the Hilbert Integral......Page 45
17. lnvariance Properties and an Envelope Theorem......Page 46
18. General Comments and the Applications to Plane Problems......Page 49
19. Background on Fix-Points and on Existence Theorems for Differential Equations and Implicit Functions......Page 51
21. The Legendre Transformation......Page 57
22. The Hamiltonian and its Properties......Page 58
23. Cauchy Characteristics......Page 60
24. Duality and the Standard Hamiltonian in the Parametric Case......Page 61
25. Other Admissible Parametric Hamiltonians......Page 64
26. Local Passage from Parametric to Nonparametric Case......Page 66
27. The Embedding of Small Extremals in Small Tubes......Page 67
28. Local Existence Theory for Nonparametric Variational Problems and for Ordinary Second Order Differential Equations......Page 69
29. Local Parametric Existence Theory for the Elliptic Case......Page 75
30. Introduction......Page 81
31. First and Second Variations and Transversality......Page 82
32. The Second Variation Fallacy......Page 84
33. The Secondary Hamiltonian......Page 85
34. Geometrical Interpretation of Exactness......Page 87
35. Distinguished Families......Page 89
36. Canonical Embeddings and Focal Points......Page 92
37. The Jacobi Theory of Conjugate Points......Page 94
38. The Index of Stability of an Extremal......Page 99
39. The Second Stage of the Morse Theory......Page 103
40. Introduction......Page 105
41. Center of Gravity and Dispersal Zone......Page 106
42. Convexity and the Hahn-Banach Theorem......Page 109
43. The Conceptual Heritage of Georg Cantor......Page 112
44. Duality of Convex Figures......Page 116
45. Duality of Convex Functions......Page 119
46. Hamiltonians in the Large and Reformulated Variational Theory......Page 121
47. Remarks on Classical Inequalities......Page 123
48. The Dual Unit Ball of a Functional Space......Page 124
49. The Riesz Representation......Page 129
50. Introduction......Page 133
51. The Hilbert Construction and Some of its Consequences in the Standard Parametric Case......Page 134
52. The Parametric Theory of Conjugate Points and the Parametric Jacobi Condition......Page 139
53. The Tonelli-Caratheodory Unicity Theorem......Page 144
54. Absolute and hom*otopic Minima on B · · i-Compact Domains and Manifolds......Page 154
55. Toward an Automatic Existence Theory......Page 158
56. First Stage of an Abstract Approach: Semicontinuity in a B · · i- Compact Set......Page 162
57, 58, 59......Page 165
60. Introduction......Page 166
61. Intuitive Background......Page 167
62. A Question of Semantics......Page 171
63. Parametric Curves in the Calculus of Variations......Page 172
64. Admissible Curves as Elements of a Dual Space......Page 174
65. A Human Analogy......Page 176
66. Generalized Curves and Flows, and Their Boundaries......Page 177
67. Parametric Representation of Generalized Curves......Page 182
68. Existence of a Minimum......Page 189
69. The Nature of the Generalized Solutions......Page 190
71. Separation Theorem for a Convex Cone in '1&'0 (A)......Page 195
72. The Lemma of the Insufficient Radius......Page 196
73. The Dual Separation Theorem......Page 198
74. A Localization Lemma for a B · · i-Compact Set......Page 199
75. Riesz Measures......Page 200
77. An Elementary Norm Estimate......Page 201
78. Vector Integration......Page 202
79. Closure of a Convex Hull......Page 203
80. Introduction......Page 205
81. Polygonal Flows......Page 206
83. The Variational Convexity Principle in its Elementary Form......Page 208
84. A First Extension......Page 209
85. The Enlargement Principle and the First Closure Theorem for Generalized Flows......Page 210
86. The Extension to Consistent Flows and Boundaries......Page 211
87. Preliminary Information on Mixtures and on the Lagrange Representation......Page 213
88. Further Comments on Measures, Mixtures, and Consistent Flows......Page 215
89. The Lagrange Representation of a Consistent Flow......Page 220
Volume II - Optimal Control
Bibliography: p. 325-329.
Includes index.
Kolxo3 -- 63-64
Laurence Chisholm. Young
L. C. Young
New York : Chelsea Pub. Co., 1980.
Chelsea Publ. Co
2d (corr.) ed., New York, New York (State), 1980
2., (corr.) ed, New York, NY, 1980
2nd ed. corr, New York, 1980
Divided into two parts, this title first addresses the simpler variational problems in parametric and nonparametric form. It then covers extensions to optimal control theory. It notes that originally these problems were formulated as problems of Lagrange and Mayer in terms of differential constraints.
lgrsnf/M_Mathematics/MOc_Optimization and control/Young L.C. Lectures on the calculus of variations and optimal control theory (2ed., Chelsea, 1980)(ISBN 082840304X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(348s)_MOc_.djvu
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